I Collected 21 Sets of Dog Tags During the Battlefield 2042 Open Beta!

Ever since I managed to rank #40 on the Playstation leaderboards for dog tags collected in Battlefield Bad Company 2, I have been addicted to collecting the sexy little things! I just love grabbing a quick melee kill and collecting a new set of tags that I’ve never seen before, particularly the more rare varieties.

Check out the video below that I made from the footage I collected during the 2021 open beta of Battlefield 2042. 21 kills in all, though not a single dog tag appears on screen. I reached out to the official Twitter account for the game to ask them if this was just a beta thing, or if there would not be dog tags in the full version. They did not respond to my query.

Kill list:

dirt_47_FBgg || Jamx998
Gothmog442 || TacticalPOG13
KlipzDaily || Dweasel93
Miiiy00 || Sir_Flowers_
PFC L. MEYER [AI] || Jeffy5612
RubenSalvador || Cthulhulord66
SuicideSoldier3 || Illiminate86

Buy the Game and JOIN ME:

Music used in this video:

Colorado GOP & Mesa County GOP Tighten Criminal Grip On Western Colorado

If half the country and the federal government are calling you “domestic terrorists” it’s probably because you are. Take it from me, a former U.S. Navy intelligence analyst, and former member of Pearl Harbor ASF, a reserve police and counterterrorism/civil rioting rapid response force. Republicans have thrown off the freedoms of American Democracy in exchange for the yolk of a new King.

What they call “Socialism” is merely educated society making good on the SOCIAL CONTRACT. If you’ve never heard of it, you should do some reading. Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau–and others–dedicated their lives to the study of political theory. Each arrived at the Social Contract by different means, and with different intent. But they all got there, nonetheless.

Why? Because the Social Contract is nothing more than forcing government to care for the PEOPLE as much, or more than, the “KING.” To Hobbes, life was “nasty, brutish, and short.” People were generally self-absorbed, and therefore “bad” for and to each other. The social contract allowed an authority to be raised to counterbalance the worst aspects of Man’s nature, whilst also providing for them a leveling of the playing field, not so much with respect to each other, but to the overwhelmingly thuggish nature of the world around them.

Seriously, if you call this Socialism, you simply don’t understand cause and effect. You don’t understand where we’ve come from as a species, nor where we are going! The act of caring for the People IS NOT EVIL. Only one ‘person’ can believe that, and they are THE KING.

The modern Republican Party, at Federal, State, and Local levels, is faced with becoming irrelevant. They have watched the data as closely as anyone else, and they know that party identification has been waning for years. This is most likely why they have clung to “The Big Lie” so vehemently, because they are out of sync with the nation, and rather than reevaluate their positions, they resort to theft. Or, as one evil Republican once so eloquently put it, try to drown [Democracy] as an infant in a bathtub.

Vote Blue. Veterans stand against Republican TYRANNY!

Stand by to stand by! –Mad Squid

With Tina Peters At The Election Helm, Mesa County Voters Cannot Be Guaranteed A Free And Fair Election!

Tina Peters has willfully violated the trust of all Mesa County voters! I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against “all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.” Tina is most certainly one of those domestic enemies.

She, and her staff, as well as a member of the public (Gerald Wood) have all violated election law, spread disinformation about election integrity, fled or hid from criminal investigations, and jeopardized the entire election system of Mesa County, Colorado!

To think that there is ANY CHANCE WHATSOEVER on this shithole planet (thank Trump for that terminology) that an election in which Tina, or anyone from the Mesa County GOP is involved–even by one iota–could even possibly be free and fair ignores both Tina’s Actions, and the overt actions and intentions of the Republican Party. These people are criminals, and they possess no love at all for American Democracy.

Tina Peters, and anyone associated with her, must not be allowed to oversee any part of future elections in this county. PERIOD. FULL STOP! If I had my druthers, she/they would lose all voting rights from now into perpetuity. And remember folks, if you see Tina, be sure to ask her, “WHY WERE THE CAMERAS TURNED OFF?

Stand by to stand by! –Mad Squid

Tina Peters Looks More Guilty By The Day!

Stand by to stand by! –Mad Squid